The Israeli Generation Y Project

Generation Y is a stratum of secular young people born in the 80s and 90s of the 20th century. They grew up and were shaped in an era of commercial channels, the PC revolution, the Internet and the mobile phone, the development of the culture of feminism, civil rights and individualism, the economy of abundance and entrepreneurship, suicide attacks and the war on Muslim terror, leadership crisis, leisure and entertainment revolution, the normalization of travelling abroad, and the development of the broad Ashkenazi-Mizrahi middle class (reducing ethnic disparities). The impact of this generation on the Israeli society is enormous and its cultural profile raises many questions.

We live today in a transition period, a period in which social conventions and arrangements that prevailed for many years are no longer appropriate, and the need to build updated systems that are tailored to the zeitgeist is increasing. Public and private agencies and organizations are feeling their way to the future, testing options, experimenting, making mistakes and correcting them "on the go". Many decision makers at the strategic level design policies based on social axioms of loose hold.

The scientific research is wide ranging (diverse research methods) and draws a multidimensional portrait of the Israeli Y Generation, youth who are similar in their sociological characteristics to young people in the Western world. The report will be published in summer 2015. At the same time, a shorter version will be published by Modan Publishing, with the aims of making the research findings accessible to the public and stimulating public discussion.

To obtain feedback on findings and interpretations, we posted chapters from the study on the website "People Israel". We received many responses. In addition, we held meetings and lectures for senior officials in various social areas.


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