Energy Forum 27: A Smart Energy Grid as a Growth Engine for the Israeli Industry

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Grossman Gershon, Grinberg Yaara. Energy Forum 27: A Smart Energy Grid as a Growth Engine for the Israeli Industry Haifa Israel: Samuel Neaman Institute, 2013.

The Smart Grid is developing in many places in the world to replace the conventional power grid. This is one of the leading topics in the modern energy market, and it is receiving economic and national prioritization as well as massive investments. In Israel too this topic is a priority on the national energy agenda, although it is still in its infancy. Smart grid opens up many possibilities for advanced industry in this area. It can and should be a growth engine for advanced Israeli industry in this area. The potential in the world is huge, due to the modernization process that electricity grid system is going through. One of the significant changes is the integration of ICT technologies (IT) network. There are options for developing applications for users as well as consumers. Israeli industry has the ability to create and initiate in these areas. But we must differentiate between what needs to be done in the field of smart grid development and industrial development, which should also develop with export as part of the industry's goal. The government can act to leverage the deployment of smart grid investments to promote local industry.

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