
Israel 2028: Vision and Strategy for Israel

Israel 2028: Vision and Strategy for Israel

Continuing the efforts to actually implement the program "Israel 2028 – Socio Economic Vision and Strategy in Global World", the Samuel Neaman Institute initiated several projects designated to prepare a multi-annual implementation programs, in collaboration with government agencies.
The Industrial Excellence Center

The Industrial Excellence Center

The Industrial Excellence Center was established in 2011 and its objective is to promote a national industrial policy. The Center helps formulate and promote a proactive policy of industrial excellence, intended to sustain a balanced and high-quality national industry that maintains a healthy lifecycle, which is tested by its global competitive advantage and quality employment of all sectors of society. The Industrial Excellence Center is also part of the Israel 2028 Vision.
An Analysis of Israel

An Analysis of Israel's Renewable Energy IndustryAn Analysis of the Renewable Energy Industry of Israel

This project began as part of a joint venture with the Newtech unit at the Ministry of Economics, and since 2015 it has continued with the funding of the Samuel Neaman Institute, as part of the Industrial Excellence Center. The goal of the project is to leverage Israel's position as a leader in the field of renewable energy, including energy production and its integration into the energy system, efficiency improvements, and the development of fuel substitutes.
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