Rony Armon

Rony Armon is a post-doctoral fellow at the Department for Education in Technology and Science at the Technion, conducting research in science communication. Focusing on interviews with scientists in the highly-rated current affair talk-show London et Kirshenbaum, Armon examines scientists’ abilities to explain recent scientific developments in the broadcasted media. He conducted his doctoral research at the Graduate Program in Science, Technology and Society at Bar-Ilan University and later joined the Jacques Loeb Center for the History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences at Ben-Gurion University. His studies engaged the intersection of pure and applied concerns in the life sciences, historically as well as sociologically. In addition to his studies in science communication and the history of science and, he is interested in the implementation of historical and STS approaches in science education.

Science Communication

Science Communication

The mass media strongly influence the public’s understanding of – and engagement with – science and related policy issues. Print, broadcasted and online news form a major science related information source. However, scholarship has devoted little attention to communicating science in the Israeli context.
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