The Impact of Computers on Teaching and Research in Mathematics and Related Subjects

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Nadav Liron, Pismen Len, Wolfshtein M., Ziegler Z.. The Impact of Computers on Teaching and Research in Mathematics and Related Subjects Haifa Israel: Samuel Neaman Institute, 1990.
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The Neaman Institute/Technion Committee for Mathematics and Computers in the Teaching Schedule was appointed by Prof. B. Silver and Prof Z. Tadmor On 26 January 1989. The objectives of the committee as defined in the appointment letter were:

a. To study in depth the scope and contents of the expected and desired mathematical foundations in engineering education, in view of the significant influence of computer technology on mathematical tools in science, engineering and teaching methods.

b. To examine the needs of the Technion in software and computations from both research and teaching point of view.


The activities of the committee included examination of papers on the subject; discussions with E. Dubinsky; a search for educational software; and preparation of this report.

The major conclusions are:

1. The time for a general curricular revision has not yet come, and the current state of the art does not warrant major changes at the present moment. Instead, the "computerization" of the curricula and class work would be best achieved by individual faculties. The committee noted with satisfaction that some progress along these lines had already been made and that several faculty members are experimenting with computerization of courses. Such efforts should be encouraged in the future by technical and financial support.

2. The research capabilities of the Technion should be enhanced by institutionalizing the handling of scientific software packages. It is necessary to devise mechanisms for collection and sorting of information, and for advise, tutoring and scientific support to potential users.

3. The committee recommends that a scientific and educational software Center be established. Such a center will serve as a catalyst for future developments, and will provide the infrastructure necessary for the incorporation and integration of computers in teaching and research in mathematics and mathematically oriented subjects.

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