Evaluation of the MAGNETON Program

The evaluation of the Magneton program is a research initiated and funded by both the Samuel Neaman Institute and the MAGNET management. The research was performed during 2008-2009.

The main research goal was to examine the outputs of the Magneton projects and their success while focusing on the characteristics of the projects, academic researchers and industry head of projects and to evaluate the factors impacting the projects' successes and failures in the past few years. .

The Israeli Chief Scientist's bureau conducts several programs which aim to promote technology transfer from academia to industry. The Magneton is one of the important and unique programs, in which a research group from the academy and an industrial company are working jointly for the transfer of the knowledge/ technology, that was developed in the academy into a tool for the use of the industrial company. .

The research was based on a preliminary research conducted by the S. Neaman Institute. .

The methodology selected for this research is based on an evaluation survey and interviews conducted with the parties involved in Magneton projects: researchers from academy and head of projects from the industry who participated in 72 Magneton projects that have completed their activities during 2004-2007. The survey included data collection on the participants' characteristics, project characteristics, participants' modes of operation and program success indicators. .

The research findings were integrated into summary report which provides the program managers and policy makers a broad picture regarding the program effectiveness and suggested ways for its improvement.

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